You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. ~Albert Camus

Each day we strive to find something to make us happy whether it be something simple like a cup of coffee in the morning or something much bigger like a better job, travel plans, or a new wardrobe.  This quote is a reminder to spend less time looking for these things and start doing.  Stop sitting around and thinking about what is going to make you happy.  Instead, live your life the way you want to and don’t take any day for granted.

About Kellen McAvoy

I’m a craft brew loving, fitness fanatic eating my way through America’s Finest City. On any given day you can find me running (literally) around San Diego as I train for my first FULL MARATHON this October! I’m a 3x Half Marathoner, Bikini Body Guide finisher, and lover of all workouts related to Spinning, Body Pump, Pilates, and more recently Yoga. I am a firm believer and advocate for living a healthy, balanced lifestyle and strive to portray that through my blog.
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